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Chan, K. L. A., Kazarian. S. G., Dissolution of solid dispersions of ibuprofen studied by Fourier transform infrared imaging , 226th National Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society , AMER CHEMICAL SOC (2006) Pages: 203 - 214 , ISSN: 0097-6156 (doi)
Chan, K. L. A., Kazarian, S. G., Detection of trace materials with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy using a multi-channel detector. , Analyst (2006) Vol: 131 , Pages: 126 - 131 , ISSN: 0003-2654 (doi)
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Chan, K. L. A., Kazarian, S. G., ATR-FTIR spectroscopic imaging with expanded field of view to study formulations and dissolution. , Lab Chip (2006) Vol: 6 , Pages: 864 - 870 , ISSN: 1473-0197 (doi)
Chan, K. L. A., Kazarian, S. G., High-throughput study of poly(ethylene glycol)/ibuprofen formulations under controlled environment using FTIR imaging , J COMB CHEM (2006) Vol: 8 , Pages: 26 - 31 , ISSN: 1520-4766 (doi)